Men and women decide to have calf augmentation surgery for a variety of reasons. A common reason is that they are unhappy with the size and shape of their lower legs, particularly their calves. Many people are so unhappy with the size and shape of their calf muscles that they avoid wearing clothes that expose their lower legs. Once they realise that no amount of exercise will significantly enlarge their calf muscles, they opt for calf augmentation surgery. Calf augmentation is also used to correct deformities caused by injury or nerve disease that result in muscle atrophy.

Who is a proper candidate for calf augmentation surgery?

Any man or woman who is unhappy with the size and shape of their calves and is in good health can be an ideal candidate for calf augmentation surgery. You should also have realistic expectations.

How is the calf augmentation surgery performed?

You will be put under general anaesthetic and lie face down. Your surgeon will make an incision in the crease behind your knee and go over it to create a pocket in the calf muscle where the implant will be carefully placed. Stitches close the incision. Healing takes place over a period of 2-3 weeks, during which time your leg muscles will adapt to the implant, the skin will stretch and normal walking will gradually become easier. You will need to sleep with your legs elevated for the first few nights to minimise swelling. You can take a shower after the leg bandages have been removed.

Is calf augmentation surgery a common operation?

Calf augmentation is a very safe, effective and popular procedure. Our surgeons are specially educated in all plastic (corrective) surgeries and frequently perform calf augmentation. They are also experienced in treating patients with reconstructive defects.

When can I start exercising again?

Although this varies from patient to patient, you should generally avoid strenuous activity for a month or more after your calf augmentation procedure.

Fat grafting for calf augmentation

Fat grafting is a less invasive form of calf augmentation. During the procedure, your surgeon will use liposuction to remove fat from another area of your body. This fat is then processed and cleaned before being strategically re-injected into the calves to improve the overall appearance of your legs.

As with calf augmentation surgery, fat grafting means that there is a recovery period after the procedure. However, as it is a less invasive procedure, this time is much shorter.


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