Buccal or malar fat pads are located between the cheek and chin. Large buccal fat pads can make the face appear round, distorting the facial contours and negatively affecting facial aesthetics. Cheek fat pad removal slims the face by removing some or all of the pads to create a more angular and defined midface contour. This procedure is also known as a bichectomy.

For many people, chubby cheeks are a source of embarrassment. Cheek fat that causes fullness in the cheek area can be genetic, which means it is almost impossible to achieve the appearance of thin, prominent cheekbones without fat pad removal surgery. Full cheeks and overly prominent fat pads can give a “baby face” appearance and hide the cheekbones.

To reveal cheekbones and remove unwanted cheek fat, patients have several advanced and effective plastic surgery options. For some patients, liposuction can solve the problem of chubby buccal fat on the lower cheeks, while others require buccal liposuction.

How is the malar fat pad resection performed?

First the mouth is cleaned and rinsed. A local anaesthetic is then injected into the cheek area. Once the patient is relaxed, the following steps are taken:

A small incision of 1-2 cm is made in the mouth behind the upper molars.

Scissors and surgical instruments are used to remove some or all of the fat from the cheeks.

Melting stitches are used to close the incisions. The procedure is repeated on the other side of the mouth to remove the other fat pad. The whole procedure takes only about 30 minutes. The patient can go home shortly after the procedure.

Recovery after the procedure

Recovery from this procedure is very short. Patients may experience some swelling and mild pain after the procedure. To minimise these side effects, ice can be applied to the face and over-the-counter painkillers can be taken. Patients can usually return to work and normal activities within 2-3 days of the procedure.

Who can have Malar fat pad resection?

Men and women with swollen cheeks or a round face may be candidates for this procedure. Healthy patients who exercise regularly and do not smoke have the best results. If your doctor feels you are a better candidate for another type of facial plastic surgery, they will make a recommendation based on your aesthetic goals. For example, if you have signs of facial aging, a fat graft, cheek lift, facelift or other facial rejuvenation procedure may be recommended instead of cheek fat removal.


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