A facelift is one of the rejuvenating aesthetic procedures performed to tighten the skin.  When wrinkles and gravity block your natural radiance, a full facelift can help you achieve the look you want.

Patients undergo facelift surgery to treat signs of ageing such as sagging in the middle of the face and deep wrinkles around the eyes, nose and mouth. A facelift can also eliminate the appearance of a double chin in the lower part of the face, tighten loose skin and reduce fat deposits under the chin.

What is a facelift?

A facelift is also called a rhytidectomy. A facelift is a procedure to improve the visible signs of ageing on the face and neck. The fifth most common cosmetic procedure in the world, a facelift slows down the visible effects of ageing by giving patients younger, more natural looking results.

Who can have a full facelift?

If you are a healthy person who wants to turn back the time, you may be a candidate for a facelift. People who are at their target weight and non-smokers are ideal candidates for facelift surgery.

How is a facelift performed?

Muscle tissue loses its vitality due to age, gravity, wear and tear and some personal habits such as sun exposure. A facelift is considered the gold standard in the cosmetic industry. Longer incisions are made in front of and behind both ears. These incisions are usually easily hidden in the folds of your skin, which helps to minimise scarring. Your skin will be lifted to give your surgeon access to the tissue underneath. Your surgeon may use sutures to reposition the layer under your skin. Because the incisions are longer, your surgeon will be able to access your entire face, including your neck, and rejuvenate your entire face.

You may also choose to have fat injections to add volume to the areas where you have lost volume during the facelift. This can further enhance the overall effect of your surgery and prevent an unnatural appearance. Once the underlying tissues have been repositioned, your skin will be repacked, excess skin and fat will be removed, and your incisions will be closed.

Face and neck lift

A full facelift is the ideal solution for the entire face and neck. However, for someone with drooping eyelids or forehead, you may need to add a blepharoplasty or brow lift to achieve the results you want.

You can focus on all the benefits a facelift can give you, but it is equally important to give yourself enough time to recover. Follow your doctor’s instructions closely and do not try to return to all your normal activities too quickly. You should be able to return to work two weeks after the operation and most normal activities after a month. However, even when you return to your normal life, your recovery process will continue for about 6-12 months. So although you may look good in a month, you will continue to see improvements for up to a year.


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