Face suspension, also known as thread facelift aesthetics, is a faster, less expensive, minimally invasive version of traditional facelift surgery. Both have the same goal: facial rejuvenation.

In a traditional facelift, loose skin is surgically removed from the face. In a thread lift, special threads are used to lift and tighten sagging skin for a more youthful appearance. At the same time, it does not last as long as a facelift.

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a short, minimally invasive procedure that uses advances in suture technology to lift and reposition sagging facial skin. Although the results are not as dramatic as a facelift, they are quite effective. A thread facelift can address many face and neck problems, including the problems noted below:

  • Double chin sagging
  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Flabby cheeks
  • Lachrymal sacs around the eyes

The facelift procedure does not take long, usually it takes an hour or less. The recovery time for thread facelift surgery is minimal. Facelift patients are given a local anaesthetic rather than a general anaesthetic, which means that they remain awake and can return to their daily lives after the procedure.

How is a facelift performed?

In a thread lift, a medical thread is placed on the skin of the targeted area of the face and pulled tight. The stitches dissolve over time, but the lifting effect continues. The procedure stimulates collagen production in the area. Collagen helps to rejuvenate the skin by allowing it to regenerate itself.

Side effects

Side effects may include redness, bruising and swelling. Although the risk is low, patients should follow their doctor’s instructions to reduce the risk of complications, especially infection.

Who can have Face Strap?

Thread lifts tend to be popular with men and women who want to reverse the signs of premature ageing. Doctors recommend it for patients with mild to moderate signs of skin laxity.

This procedure is often used by people in their late 30s to early 50s who are beginning to experience the inevitable sagging of the skin that comes with age. On the other hand, most patients over the age of 55 will benefit more from a traditional facelift.


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