Many people may not give much thought to the appearance of their ears. As the ears are not the centre of the face, it is easy to see them as purely functional. However, people with prominent or defective ears, especially children, know that this can be a source of embarrassment and social discomfort. Otoplasty, also known as prominent ear surgery, can correct a variety of ear problems. Ear surgery can repair or straighten the ears, improve the symmetry between the ears, or improve the appearance of large, small or torn lobes. Otoplasty is a low-risk procedure and it can

  • Improve the shape and proportions of the ears
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Provide results that last a lifetime
  • And, it is suitable for children over the age of five and all adults

Otoplasty, or prominent ear surgery, is designed to make the ears more proportionate and improve aesthetic balance. The best results are achieved by making the ears appear smaller and moving them closer to the sides of the head. A small hidden incision is made behind each ear to move the cartilage towards the head.

Prominent ear surgery can be performed under local or general anaesthetic. If a person only has a problem in one ear, surgery can be performed on that ear only.

Who can have Otoplasty

Cosmetic ear surgery is ideal for adults and children between the ages of five and fourteen. A potential otoplasty patient should have relatively large or protruding ears, or a problem with changing the shape, size or appearance of the ear.

After surgery, the ears will be bandaged to keep them close to the head and to help the healing process. These bandages should be kept dry for about five to seven days. Any pain or discomfort can be managed with prescription medication.

Earlobe repair

Earlobes can become deformed for a number of reasons. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your earlobes due to prolonged use of earrings or piercings, injury or any other reason, you may benefit from earlobe repair.

Earlobe repair is a simple and straightforward procedure. First, your surgeon removes the scar tissue from the injured area, and then your lobe is skilfully stitched back together to restore your ear to its normal shape.

You will only need a local anaesthetic to numb the area and the specific technique used to repair your earlobe will depend on your individual needs. The procedure only takes 15 to 30 minutes and you can return to your normal activities immediately afterwards.

What is the recovery time for earlobe repair?

Recovery takes only a few weeks and you can return to most normal activities, including exercise, immediately after the procedure. It is recommended that you do not have shower for 24 hours after the procedure and that you do not go swimming pool until the stitches have been removed. You can even pierce your ears again four to six weeks after the procedure.


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