Many women decide to have breast augmentation surgery to improve the size, shape and texture of their breasts. However, it is not uncommon for women to change their minds and decide to reverse the procedure. There are many reasons for breast implant removal, ranging from complications such as implant rupture or deflation, capsular contracture, implant dislocation or rupture, breast sagging, breast cancer and more. On the other hand, some women simply want to return to their previous natural appearance.

What is breast implant removal?

Breast implant removal is a surgery to remove breast implants used in breast augmentation. In general, the procedure is very simple. The surgeon makes a small incision and removes the implant from the breast capsule, which is very similar to the implantation process. In some cases, the operation can be more complicated, especially in patients with conditions such as narrowing, deflation or rupture of the capsule.

Benefits of breast implant removal

One of the great things about having breast implants removed is that the pain is gone. For some women, implants become a terrible burden, causing not only physical but also emotional pain. This is why breast implant removal can sometimes be a real gift.

Another thing that disappears after the operation is the fear of complications. As you know, there are several health risks associated with implants. They can leak, deform, cause inflammation, capsular contracture and more. Without implants, women do not have to worry about any of these risks.

It is also important to note that some women notice improvements in their general health. It is no secret that implants can sometimes cause pain in the breasts, bad body odour, fatigue, exhaustion and more. In these cases, breast implant removal can be incredibly beneficial.

Risks of breast implant removal

Breast implant removal does have its disadvantages. After all, it is a surgical procedure and any surgery carries risks. The most important part of breast implant removal is the risk of sagging. Implants are known to make the breasts look fuller and more vibrant. By having them removed, you will return to the previous situation or you will face the risk of even more sagging. This is most likely to happen in patients who have grown two or more sizes in the first breast reconstruction surgery.

Another thing you may notice when implants are removed is loose skin. This is because the implants remain in the breast for too long and cause the skin to stretch. Depending on the condition of the skin, some doctors may recommend a breast lift.


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