Your skin is an integral part of your appearance. As the largest organ in your body, your skin needs constant nourishment and protection. When the effects of age, sun damage and gravity affect your profile, the skin and underlying dermal tissue can be damaged. Common problems such as acne scars, stretch marks and discolouration can also affect your appearance and often require cosmetic treatment to resolve effectively.

Mechanical dermabrasion has become an increasingly popular treatment for those seeking radiant, younger looking skin. Based on a personalised treatment plan, this technique is an ideal choice to help you achieve a smoother facial texture and more youthful skin.

What is mechanical dermabrasion?

Mechanical dermabrasion is a skin resurfacing procedure designed to remove the outer layers of skin to reveal newer, healthier skin. It uses a special medical instrument that scrapes away old and damaged skin cells to reveal fresh cells underneath. By cleaning the top layer of skin, this procedure is used to reduce the visibility of scars and eliminate surface imperfections and irregularities.

How does mechanical dermabrasion work?

Mechanical dermabrasion is a type of mechanical resurfacing. It works by physically loosening skin cells with a type of instrument. Skin care products that contain coarse ingredients such as sugar, rice particles or crushed seeds are also examples of mechanical dermabrasion.

What can be treated with mechanical dermabrasion?

Mechanical dermabrasion is used for a variety of purposes. The procedure works by peeling away damaged tissue to reveal new layers of healthier, brighter skin. As well as improving tone and texture, dermabrasion can help to treat problems listed below:

  • Scars from acne, surgery or injury
  • Fine lines, especially around the mouth
  • Sun-damaged skin, including age spots and sunspots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Skin cracks
  • Some benign skin spots or growths

How is mechanical dermabrasion performed?

Mechanical dermabrasion is usually performed under IV sedation. Before the procedure, your skin will be cleaned and the areas to be treated will be marked. IV sedation is used to ensure that you feel relatively little discomfort during the procedure.

During the procedure, your skin will be held taut so that your doctor can move the device with gentle pressure on the surface. This procedure can take from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the severity of your condition and the number of areas being treated. The outer layers of your skin are peeled away to reveal new, healthier tissue.

For patients with deeper scarring on the face, mechanical dermabrasion may be performed over several sessions or in stages.


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