Inverted nipples, a condition that affects around 2% of men and women, can cause a great deal of emotional distress and embarrassment. Inverted nipples usually affect only one nipple. In most cases, the causes of this condition are congenital, but some people develop it after breastfeeding.

What is an inverted nipple?

Inverted nipples are a rare condition where the nipple retracts into the breast instead of sticking out. Inverted nipples affect both men and women. It can be caused by congenital factors, breastfeeding, pregnancy, gynaecomastia or cancer.

How is inverted nipple correction performed?

Inverted Nipple Correction is a simple procedure designed to create nipples that protrude outwards, resulting in a more attractive physical appearance. In women, special care is taken to protect the milk ducts during the procedure to ensure that breastfeeding is possible in the future.

After inverted nipple correction, you can expect to see your ideal breasts when you look in the mirror. Your formerly inverted nipples will protrude and the resulting scars will be extremely minimal. In addition, the results of this surgery are likely to be life-changing, providing not only an improved physical appearance, but also an unprecedented level of confidence and renewed self-esteem.

Are you a candidate for an inverted nipple correction operation?

As with all cosmetic procedures, the doctor will determine the patient’s suitability for the procedure after a thorough evaluation of the patient’s cosmetic goals, concerns and desires. However, the ideal candidates for this procedure are usually the following:

  • Embarrassment due to nipples retracting inwards instead of sticking out.
  • Good general health.
  • No medical conditions that could affect healing or increase the risk of surgery.
  • Non-smokers.
  • Realistic expectations of the surgery.

How is inverted nipple correction performed?

The procedure can be performed under three types of anaesthetic: local anaesthetic, general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation. Most patients prefer to have the procedure done under general anaesthesia, which means you will be drowsy but not unconscious. During the operation, your doctor will perform the inverted nipple correction by making a small incision at the base of the nipple and cutting the shortened milk ducts. Once cut, the milk ducts are released from the nipple so that they can no longer pull the nipple inwards. Your doctor will place special internal and external stitches to prevent the problem from recurring. Finally, the first incision is closed. After the last stitches have been placed, the nipple is bandaged and you are gently brought out of the anaesthetic.


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