Gynaecomastia is a condition characterised by overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men. Gynaecomastia is common in men of all ages and a variety of factors can contribute to excessive breast growth. Gynaecomastia can cause emotional distress and have a profound effect on a man’s self-esteem.

Causes of Gynaecomastia

There are many reasons why gynaecomastia may occur. It is important to identify the cause of the condition to ensure the most effective treatment. Gynaecomastia can be caused by the following factors:

  • Genetic
  • Hormonal changes (especially testosterone and oestrogen levels)
  • Medical conditions such as liver or kidney failure or hyperthyroidism

Identifying the cause of gynaecomastia will not only ensure a permanent result, but will also ensure that any underlying medical problems are properly treated. In some cases, however, no underlying cause can be found. In these cases, a treatment plan can be made based on physical examination and symptoms.

Gynaecomastia treatment

Gynaecomastia surgery is a personalised procedure designed to reduce the size of men’s breasts and create a more masculine upper body profile. Areas of focus during surgery may include:

  • Excess breast tissue
  • Stubborn areas of fat
  • Loose skin

Are You Suitable for Gynaecomastia Surgery?

It can be difficult for men to be transparent about something as personal as gynaecomastia. However, with today’s treatment options, this condition is receiving more attention worldwide. A full medical and physical examination will be carried out to determine your suitability for surgery. This process will provide you with the necessary information to manage your expectations and recommend the best treatment plan for you, taking into account your skin quality, breast volume and possible causes of your condition.

Gynaecomastia treatment options

Treatment for gynaecomastia may involve liposuction of both breasts or surgery to remove excess skin and fat. In some cases, a combination of both methods may be used.

Liposuction: If fatty tissue is contributing to gynaecomastia, liposuction is a less invasive way to remove fat deposits and reshape the breast contour. The procedure can usually be performed under local anaesthetic and recovery time is minimal in most cases. This procedure gives the best results in men with good skin elasticity, which allows the skin to adapt smoothly to the new breast profile.

Surgical treatment: More extensive surgery may be required if a significant amount of glandular tissue or skin needs to be removed from the chest to achieve an optimal result. Although this procedure usually requires a general anaesthetic, the results are quite impressive. This procedure is also recommended when the nipple and areola need to be resized or repositioned to achieve a more natural appearance.


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