Genioplasty is generally undertaken by people who wish to change the physical appearance of their chin. For this reason, many people consider genioplasty to be another type of plastic or cosmetic surgery, although there are medical conditions that may require the intervention of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. There are two main types of genioplasty, one of which is performed with an implant.

Conventional genioplasty involves using a saw or other suitable instrument to cut the jawbone away from the rest of the patient’s jaw. The jaw, whether receding or protruding, is repositioned by moving it forward or backward to correct the problem.

Another method of genioplasty, which has become more common in recent years, is to reshape a person’s jaw using plastic or silicone implants. These are placed around the existing jawbone if necessary. During this procedure, an implant can be chosen that is placed over the jawbone and secured with stitches or screws if necessary. Dermal filler injections are another alternative to genioplasty, but are not permanent. This form of augmentation uses injectable fillers to shape and enhance your chin.

Recovery after Genioplasty

Pain can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers and cold compresses. Most people can return to normal activities after 1 week. It is recommended that patients lie on their back with their head up for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.

The type of surgery, the extent of the surgical changes, the speed of recovery and complications such as infection can all affect the recovery time. The person should be able to return to work within 7 days of the procedure if there are no complications. The jaw may appear to have healed completely within a few weeks. Complete healing is when there is no sign of swelling. However, all surgical procedures carry a risk of side effects and complications. Genioplasty procedures can cause temporary side effects:

  • Redness or bruising
  • Tenderness or pain
  • Swelling
  • Loss of sensation or numbness

Possible complications of genioplasty include

  • Infection
  • Damage to nerves or roots
  • Allergic reaction to filling or implant material
  • Changes in the position of the implant

Benefits of genioplasty

Genioplasty can change the aesthetic appearance of a misshapen, protruding or misaligned chin. The position and size of the chin plays an important role in balancing other facial features such as the nose, forehead and cheeks, contributing to overall facial harmony and offering significant benefits to people who are unhappy with their chin.


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